Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > airator


23 15:40:30


25 gallon fish tank
i have a dive power submersible pump in a 25 gallon tank. It has an airator hose on it for bubbles which cause water drops on the lid, do i need to run that bubbler airator if i have the diffusor breaking the surface water already..husband swears it adds oxygen and without it there is no oxygen in the tank for fish

Hi Trish

Yes, although the filter adds oxygen to the tank, the aerator bubbler adds additional oxygen that the fish need. Every fish tank has condensation inside the lids. All of mine do, and I clean the inside of the lids twice a week to keep the water from marking and algae from forming. With or without the aerator, there will be condensation inside the lid caused by the temperature of the water. Here is a link I found to a review of a table aquarium similar to yours. In the review, she mentions the water drops on the lid of the aquarium.

Hope this helps, good luck!
