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Small Snails

23 16:22:00

i have a puffer fish and have been reading up to find out that you need to feed them snails twice a week. my question is how many snails each feed and how do you breed snails? (will a small tank be ok? or a medic kit that floats in one of my other tanks be ok.

i understand you may not be able to help but every one else is maxed out or on vacation.

if you could let me know if you can help then i would be grateful.

Regards Toby McDonald

Hi Toby:  with my puffers I just put about 12 snails in his tank and as they dwindle I add more.  I keep a snail tank which is a ten gallon tank that has nothing but pond snails in it... they breed like crazy and keep the puffer in a good supply.  I also use them to clean other tanks as needed... dave