Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > long fin mollie

long fin mollie

23 16:25:38

hi thanks for your response to my question on my unusuall mollie.  i am logged in in photobucket  dianspics/mollies.
this is a video of the mollie. any help will be appreciated. i hope you can bring it up.  he's almost 2yrs. old.   dian

Hi Dian;

It kind of looks "fuzzy" or cottony. If so, it is damaged tissue and has become infected so it may need treatment. It may be hanging down that way because the infection has overcome the tissue and it weighs too much or hurts to keep it lifted. I would treat with an anti-fungal medication in an isolation tank. You will not want to add that kind of medication to your regular tank. Depending on which medication you use, it can dye your decorations and sealant inside the corners of your tank bluish or greenish permanently. You can use MelaFix too. It's a natural product that helps heal damaged tissues and helps other medicines to heal infections.

If it isn't really fuzzy or anything, it's just extra finnage. Kind of like cats and dogs with extra toes or claws. It was hard to tell for sure because fish are so hard to shoot pictures of clearly since they move so much. Nice tank by the way!.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins