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Black Moor Fin Rot?

23 16:32:47


I rescued a black moor from a relative's tank a few days ago and I'm not quite sure what to do with him. From what I have seen he looks emaciated, is suffering from fin rot and *may* have dropsy. I say may because he appeared to be constipated and I'm not sure if that would make his scales stick out on his stomach? I put him in a "hospital" tank - basically a bucket with a filter, no gravel or plants, am changing water daily, adding melafix and epsom salts. The constipation seems to have cleared but he is still showing signs of labored breathing and I have just noticed that he seems to have lost his right pectoral fin which is putting him off balance so he just hides in a corner of the tank seeming to "gasp" for air. Is there anything else I can do for him? Will his fin grow back?

Many thanks


Hi Lianne;

You are certainly doing your best with him. Keep his water very clean and hopefully he will recover soon. Fish fins do grow back once the original problem is healed. It takes several weeks or months though.

If his scales are still sticking out the prognosis is usually not good. Here is a link to an article about it to help you know more and give you some options on treatment;

I hope he gets better...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins