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Pimafix and Melafix

23 15:59:43

I treated my  90 gal and my 75 gal with a melafix and pimafix combination like it said on the label Within minutes one fish was dead and the rest were laying on the bottom near dead.  I thought that these were safe drugs.  The water was Zero nitrites and Amonia.  A few of the cichlids had a slight start of cotton mouth which is the reason that I treated the tank.  I don`t know what to do now.  I am afraid that they will all die.  We did an immediate partial water change and put more oxigen in the water.  Some look slightly better but still not too good. If they survive I am afraid that they will get some other desease from the stress.  We have been consistant with water changes and have had these fish for about six months with no problems.

Hi T

You need to know, or at least be close to certain what you are treating before adding any medications to your tank. MelaFix and PimaFix can be used together, but only half dosages of each.

Cotton Mouth also called Mouth Fungus, is actually Columnaris which is treated with Maracyn and Maracyn 2, not MelaFix and PimaFix.

What you need to do now is a 50% water change, replace the carbon in your filters to get the medication out of the tank. Once the tank appears clear, replace the carbon again. Add 1tbsp of Aquarium Salt per 5 gallons to the water to reduce their stress and help prevent secondary infections. A large airpump with an airstone is the best way to add oxygen to the water.

All bacterial infections can be avoided by proper temperature and regular tank maintenance. 25% weekly water changes are a must and vacuum the substrate thoroughly. Use an aquarium scrubber to clean the inside glass panels of your tank as well as the decorations. Replace the carbon in your filter every 2 weeks.

Hope this helps, good luck!
