Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Pleaase please help me!D:

Pleaase please help me!D:

23 15:34:50

So this morning ( around 1 or 2) i went to petco and bought 3 some type of tetra  ( yellow, pink, ornage and a red and blue strpied one) and went striaght home to put them in my tank i already had set up. after about 20+ minutes the pink, yello, and orange tetras were not moving but the bed&red one is... they have been in the same place for a couple of hours now not moving... they havnt floated to the top yet so im sure there not dead... are they in shock? are they sick? what ahould i do?!? please help my little fish friends!!:)

Fish don't always float to the top when they die, but it sounds like you may have had an ammonia spike, you should be doing at least a 25% water change daily.  Add some biological starter, like cycle, and don't forget to add your chlorine remover when doing your water changes.