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Sunfire my baby betta

23 16:21:32

My Betta fish, Sunfire, has been acting weird for the past month or so.
He eats one to two pellets of the three i give him. the third he tries to eat but he just cant get it down it seems. he also isn't as active as he was when i got him.
The tempature of the tank he is in is room temp (a little colder) and hes bowl gets cleaned once a month. and its a half gallon tank. no electronic things no nothing connected to it.
Hope you can help!!!
thanks a whole bunch, Haylersfey

Hi Haylerfsfey:  Betta fish like to be warm... 78-82 degrees... they also like clean water so you should be doing partial water changes on a weekly bases... about 20%.  Betta are carnivores and they love live food... favorites are tubiflex worms, and live brine shrimp.  He would probably enjoy a small filter or a live plant so that he has something to 1) clean the water, and 2) build a bubble nest in... hope this helps... dave