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oscars and ick

23 16:56:50

i lost five fish recently i cleaned the tank out with clorox water and now have two newq oscars in the 55 gal. tank and now they have white spots what really cause ick in oscars ,oh i hvae one catfish and an algae eater

Hi Sharon;

Ich is caused by a parasite. If your fish have tiny little spots that look like salt, your fish have it. The reason ich will attack fish is because the fish are stressed. It is very common in new tanks, tanks that are overcrowded, overfed or not maintained properly. Your tank is considered "new" because it was sterlilized and started over again. It is still in the break-in period if it has been set up again less than 8 weeks (with fish in it). This can cause fish to be stressed enough to contract a case of ich.

Here is a web site with photos that tells about it and how to treat;

If your fish have something on them that does not look like little salt-specks but appears blotchy, fuzzy or reddish, it isn't ich. Check the water chemistry. Ammonia and nitrite both rise during the first 6 to 8 weeks of a new setup and can burn the fishes skin, eyes and gills. The fish will feel very sick and can die. You can test the water for the levels of them. Your fish store can do thet tests for you or you can buy the kits to do it yourself. Here is a link to my article on new tanks to help you understand the whole crazy break-in process;

Let me know if you need more help...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins