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My goldfish needs help!

23 16:10:01

Hi. My goldfish has developed this problem over the past two months. She is a fantail goldfish in a ten gallon tank. I noticed she had this problem when she stopped swimming she would float instead. I was giving her peas and now she is better but now when she stops swimming she sinks and spends her time sitting on the bottom a lot. She eats normal but she looks sickish. If I call her name and put food in she swims but I know she isn't normal. What should I do to help her besides change her water and give her peas? All of my other fish died and I don't want this one to die too.

Hello:  It sounds like an intestinal issue which is akin to swim-bladder-disorder.  Even though fish are in water the food we feed them is very dry and can be slow to move through the fish's intestinal track.  I recommend feeding all fish a varied diet that includes dry food such as flake food or pellets and other "wet" food such as brine shrimp and tubi-flex worms.  This is what I would advise for you to do especially since your fish seem to get better with with peas.... keep me posted.... dave