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avoiding algae in new aquarium

25 9:20:11

Hello again. Heres some more info to help you out.

I am doing a 20 percent water change ever week. Since I have really hard tap water I mix it with Ro water. In a gallon jug, I mix 3/4 Ro water and 1/4 tap water. That did lower my hardness levels alot and it should of lowered my phospiates too but I guess not. The city I live in put a little bit of phospiate in the water to prevent corroding in the pipelines.
 I also have three plecos. I have a golden nugget pleco, tiger pleco and a Otocinclus. I would like to get some Chinese algae eaters once I get my cichlids. Will they get along with African cichlids? They really don't eat the hard spot algae and don't eat that much of the green algae.
  I feed my fish once every two days but I will try lowering my light levels. I really want to get rid of much of the algae as possible before I get my new aquarium so any other suggestion would be great. Thanks again for your help and time.

Hi Josh;

I think the africans might be too much for the otocinclus and maybe the chinese algae eater too eventually. The oto stays pretty small and both fish have soft skin. CAE's can be pretty aggressive and fast though. It just depends on the individual. The plecostomus have armor to protect them so they are usually fine with cichlids.

You might want to ask about the algae over on the freshwater forum. (link below) There are many members there that may be able to help us with this one. Phosphates in the tap water is certainly a problem if there is enough to cause excess algae production. Be sure to post everything you can about your fish, your tank, water chemistry and your plan for having africans with them.

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