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Frozen Bloodworm

23 15:56:27

Don't know if you are the right person to address this to.  I accidently (thought I was buying 12 slabs instead of 12 cartons) purchased too much frozen bloodworm which takes up the whole of my bar freezer.  I accidently left the door open overnight to find the bloodworm had thawed about 50-70%.  Is it safe to use?

Thank you so much for your help
Kind regards

Hi Mattie;

I wouldn't worry about it as long as it still remained cold. I've re-frozen fish food (worms, shrimp, etc) many times and my fish have always been fine. If any of it actually got to room temperature I would throw away just those portions or packages, if you can tell. Worms rot pretty quickly at room temperature. I go by the old saying; "If in doubt, throw it out." I hope you can save most of it though. Been there, done that...on a large scale as a matter of fact. It can be an awful stinky mess when a 32 oz frozen brine shrimp package is left on top of a hot aquarium light hood overnight. Expensive too. Yikes...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins