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Fish Selection for 125 tank

23 16:28:07

Hi Karen,

I have been researching fish to put in my 120 gal tank but I have become overwhelmed with the amount of fish that are available.  The more research I do the more I am lost!!!!  I want to do a community tank.  My orignal plan was to do tetras but my 2 year old son is really loving the tank (right now we are waiting for the water to cycle) so I am worried with the small 1 to 2 inch fish there may not be enough for him to look at. At the same time, I do not want to have any fish that would get bigger than 6 inches because honestly it will creep me out. My son and husband also want sharks.  I found the rosyline shark (which is really a barb but they don't need to know that. :-) )  My husband I both like this beautiful fish.  I also like the black shirt tetra, neon tetra, buenos aires tetra, green tiger barbs and tiger barbs. (I know that the tigers will not do well with the tetras and the aires will eat plants) My tank is going to be planted with natural colored rocks and jumbo tree root ornament.  Considering all that could you please suggest a few tank ideas that would be both colorful and lively?  Thank You,

Hi Kim
I think you will do great with having a community aquariums consisting of medium size fish. Some of these fish that are candidates for this are-

*Silver dollars

*Bala Sharks

*Gouramis (such as Blue, Gold, Opaline, Pearl, and Moonlight)

*Loaches and Plecos (If you don't want large fish, then avoid Common plecos. Stick to Bristlenose plecos or other exotic plecos. Loaches such as Clowns, Yoyos, and Skunk loaches would be suitable.

*Other bottom dwellers like Pictus Catfish would be nice also. These are fun fish to watch. They are very active and enjoy schooling in groups.

*Larger Tetras would also be suitable: Colombian Tetras, Buenos Aires, Congo Tetras, Bleeding heart tetras, Silver Tips ect...

*All barbs would be a really wonderful. You could keep large  groups of schooling fish which would make a gorgeous display. Tiger barbs, Rosy barbs, Gold Barbs, Checkerboard barbs are all great. Many people say that barbs and tetras cannot be compatible. But can coexist peacefully together. The trick is to keep the barbs in a large group so they have others of their own kind to interact with and they won't bother the other fish.

*RoseLine SharkS are also a gorgeous species. They are peaceful and can be mixed with most other community fish. They would be a really nice addition.

So with all those fish I've listed in mind. Find species that interests you and make sure to do research before you buy them. Make sure all the species of fish you chose are compatible.

I really hope this helps!
Best wishes,