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help rustcolored algae problem

23 16:16:24

my tank is experiencing the rust colored algae.  i turn off the lights and when i wake up in the morning it is at bay until a few hours when i get home from work it is back in full force.  i do weekly 25 to 30 % water changes with a gravel siphon.  I have used silicate and phosphorus eliminate beads carbon a better water powered, feeding less.  I have a 24 gallon aquapod 79 to 80 degrees i use the lighting for only 9 to 10 hrs.  this has been going on since i bought the tank only 4 months ago what else can i do.  i have read the Internet on everything to do and i have done it any suggestions.

Hi Belger:  This is a freshwater aquarium right??? I would try an algaecide such as algae fix to help you get rid of the algae. You will need to clean the tank surfaces and decorations and stir up the gravel so that the filter will collect the free floating algae particles.  You can also add a water clarifier that will cause the smaller cells to clot and be trapped by the filter.  Once the water is clean... change the filter pad.  Repeat each three or four days as needed until the algae is gong.  There is a bacteria that will eat the algae but I hesitate to add that to a tank.  Give the cleaning a try and then let me know how that works... dave