Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > godlfish and seaweed?

godlfish and seaweed?

23 16:20:44

I heard that goldfish can eat seaweed! I'm wondering if that's the same sea weed that sushi is made with...Also, would you ahppen to know the kinds of veggies i can feed my fish that aren't too messy but also good for them? I would like to know what they are and how to prepare them...Thanks!

Hi Joan,
I'm quite certain that goldfish could eat seaweed in small amounts on occasion. I know they also enjoy green peas, Zucchini, Lettuce, Spinach, and even Oranges! Sometimes they also like nibbling on inexpensive Anacharis plants. Algae wafers and Spirulina are also a good way to supplement their diet with vegetable matter in a simple way.

Seaweed is actually sold in packages meant for aquarium fish usually labeled for goldfish. I'm not sure if its the same as the seaweed used for sushi. ;-) Its a great vegetable supplement for the highly herbivorous goldfish! It sometimes comes in a dried form as well.

Best wishes and I hope this helps!