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goldfish food

23 15:56:19


where can I find a sinking goldfish food  someone suggested Hikari Omega One but I can't seem to find it anywhere  I just find floating pellet type

the reason I want sinking food is because someone told me that goldfish should feed on the bottom not gulping at the top. they may br right because my 12 year old goldfish gets upside down disease syndrome  (i have tried other remedies but there is apparently no cure for this syndrome.) thanking you in advance if you can tell me where to get this sinking goldfish food.

Hi George,

Sinking Goldfish food comes in many different brands, including Nutrafin Sinking Pellets (Hagen), TetraFin Sinking Pellets (Tetra), and Wardley's Sinking Goldfish crumbles.

The above are the most common ones, but there are lots of other, smaller brands too. Try looking through the stock at your local fish store - I'm sure that they carry sinking pellets. If you cannot find any at stores near you, you can always order online.

See this website for some of the brands:

Good Luck, and Happy Fishkeeping!