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Milky white water...

23 16:05:27

Hello Holli,

I've read through dozens of answers and don't see this one addressed.  Please forgive me if it's a repeat.

I have a 90 gallon tank with various community fish (about 35, 1 to 1.5 inch fish).  The tank's been set up for about 3 months and the water tests perfect for everything the home kit tests for.  I leave the light on about 10 hours per day, feed once per day.  I do a 20% water change and vacuum once per week (religiously).  I clean algea from the glass during this change out--there's not much at all.  I've twice changed out the charcoal media and white floss filter (once every four weeks), lightly rinsing the ceramic beads and plastic balls with tank water when I do so.  Everything's been crystal clear and beautiful.

Well, about three weeks ago, the tank started to cloud up.  White, milky.  The water still tests fine and the fish are fine.  I've been told it's a bacteria bloom and that it's normal and that it'll clear.  Some days it seems like it's going to, but, it's been three weeks and I'm starting to get concerned!  The tank used to be so crystal clear and now it's just blah.  I mean, I can still see the fish and they're healthy looking and frisky, and, as I say, all else seems fine, but, I don't know what to do and I get conflicting guidance at the fish store--each person tells me something different. :-(

Can you help?

It may just be a bacteria bloom. It can take several weeks to several months to establish bacterial colonies that are able to clear wastes from the water. Before these are establishes it is not uncommon for the tank to appear cloudy or hazy. Over time the cloudiness will resolve itself. if your water is testing fine and there is no ammonia, I wouldn't worry about it. Any other question feel free to ask. :)