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goldfish eggs?

23 16:22:22

Hi David,

I am not sure if you are the same David I emailed last week about a stressed out goldfish, but I'm back here because I found the answer I got helpful.  I woke up today and saw little egg-like things laying on the rocks I have in my tank.  I can't tell the sex of the fish so I am not sure if they are eggs.  All I know is, they weren't there last night and one of my fish was in severe stress last week to the point where it looked like it was dying. Now it's better and swimming around and I'm wondering if that stress was related to these eggs.  There are a bunch of these, too many to count. They are an opaque white color and some almost look clear.  Some look furry, like there is mold on them, but none are moving, just sticking to the rocks. I went to Petco and the girl said she didn't really know much, if they are eggs, in a few weeks I will see a fish start to form in them, and once they hatch, to separate them from the parents. Insight?? Thanks!

Hi Michele:  you will need to carefully pick out the opaque white and the clear eggs and separate them from the goldfish or they will eat them.  Put them in another container with water movement... they should hatch in about 4-5 days... when they hatch feed them finely crushed up flake food and maybe baby brine shrimp.  Keep me posted... dave