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New Aquarium, fish scales, and snails???

23 16:40:10

Hi, I have a 10 gallon freshwater aquarium and I want to move everything from that tank to a 25 gallon aquarium that I bought yesterday. I have been reading about cycles and I was thinking that since bacteria has already formed in my 10 gallon aquarium I just need to transfer everything to the new one [stones, plants, water, etc] and that would save me the trouble of establishing beneficial bacteria or even doing a fishless cycle, am I right or is that a mistake? That's what I have thought so far but I haven't done it, so if I am wrong tell me what should I do to get that 25 gallon aquarium in perfect condition before introducing my fish.

In addition, I have a comet goldfish and I have seen that he has lost some of his scales, is that normal? Or are the other fishes eating him?

Lastly, I have a little problem with some little snails that supposedly came from a natural plant that I bought for my aquarium. I do take them out as soon as I find one, but I was wondering if there was a fish that could eat them that way it would be easier to get rid of them.

Thanks you for you time and have a wonderful day.

That is a fine idea, but you also need to transfer the filter or filter media from the 10 gallon to the 25 gallon as well.  The beneficial bacteria are in the filter cartridge (or if it a UGF they are in the gravel).  Just transfer everything into the 25 and top it off with dechlorinated water.  What kind of fish are we dealing with?  Is it just the one comet, or do you have others?  A comet gets over a foot long and needs a 55 gallon tank...If you have goldfish in the 25 gallon tank, there are no snail eating fish...if it is a tropical tank you could try some kuhli or yoyo loaches...