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swordtails and snails

23 16:40:19

Hi, I have a 55 gallon tank.  I am having trouble with my swordtails and snails.  The swordtails let my small snails alone but they are always biting my bigger snails (about 1 inch in diameter).  Only the swordtails nip at the snails.  Is this normal?  Will they end up killing my snails or do they just aggravate the snails?  Thanks, Hugh

Hi Hugh,
Unfortunately this isn't something you can really stop. It happens with a lot of fish. Swordtails are very keen on picking at things and snails are on their list. I don't think they can kill the snails, but be more of an annoyance. A plus for the snails is they can retract into their shells whenever they get picked on. Just make sure the snails are being allowed to get food and the fish aren't constantly making them retract back in their shells.
It would probably be best to feed them at night anyway.

I really hope this helps!
Best of luck!