Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > new tank, ich or fungus? betta health

new tank, ich or fungus? betta health

23 16:09:08

Hi Christy!  My betta seems better this am - still covered with specks, but swimming and eating. I was scared about him yesterday.  Last night I re-read all the info you sent me, and thought it through, and realized I had not added the Coppersafe to the new water when I did the water change(per their directions).  I put that in last night, maybe that is what helped.  One of the red fish, which I called mollies in my original question, but are platys, had eaten a clump of the Maracyn 2 on the first night (the piglet!) and died.  I wanted to let you know the betta seems better, and thank you again for all your info.  I'm sorry I couldn't figure out how to attach this to the original question.

Hi Rena
Glad he looked better.  Hopefully he's healed by now.  
Next time you need to add meds or salt, dissolve them first in a bowl or bucket with tank water or dechlorinated water.  That'll help prevent them from eating it.....they'll see something falling and go after it trying to eat it.  I'm glad those links helped out too.  I come across good sites and save them, my favorites folder is a disaster that needs organizing :)
