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Mystery Cichlids breeding

23 16:38:29

I have a 10 gallon tank and my neighbor gave me 4 cichlids, the smallest one was terrorized by the biggest one and died.  One hides in my fake stump and the remaining 2 have bred.  I dont know what kind they are, they are about 2 inches long and gray with black tiger stripes.  They dug a hole in the gravel and laid dark tan colored eggs.  Now some of the eggs are more white/light tan in color and the mom(?) has moved about 30 fry to the corner of the tank, they are on top of the gravel and down in the gravel.  I dont know what I should do?  Just let nature take its course?  I was not planning on breeding them.  I only had them for about 2 weeks before they bred.

Hi Meaghan,
I can bet that your fish are Convict cichlids. These fish are well-known for breeding like rabbits even without any special care. Visit this page to confirm their identity, this page will also tell you how to raise the babies. Convicts are excellent parents, so much that they can overrun a tank within just a short while.

Best of luck and happy fishkeeping!