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Just wanna report in......

25 9:15:53

Hi Karen,
I've been reading alot of your advice columns in the last few days to a week back, if a fellow hobbyist is reading this right now, I MUST STRESS THIS POINT! LEAVE ALL THE CHEMICALS ALONE, most of them are only suggested by the store owners to sell a product, believe me, I have been there and put everything from A-Z in myself, and the only advice I can give anyone is to do 30-50% water changes and have patience, there is no magic water clarifier, nothing to help your good bacteria grow any faster than they are doing on their own(except for the initial stage when you start your new tank, you might try CYCLE, that's about it) The only thing I use is AQUA Plus or STRESS COAT water conditoner when I do my water changes and I still do them everyday or if I'm lazy everyother day-50% and I have a 33long, still, even if your tank is much larger, a 50% water is good enough for any size, believe me in 48hours your tank will not smell, start looking crystal clear, have 50% less Ammonia and nitrite than before you did the water change. Experience has taught me all this, all my fish are thriving and when they se me come with bucket and my siphon, they actually look forward to these BATHS!! ha,ha,ha... seriously! just trade places with your fish for a second, wouldn't you like your air and surroundings to be smelling nice and clean? It would be like you stepping out to a beautiful sunny day!
And if your tank is in the midst of CYCLING, the water changes are ever so more important to help remove the Ammonia and high Nitrite, sooner than later, your tank WILL BE crystal clear and your neighbors will be asking you, how do you get your tank to look like that? how do you get your water to be so clear like the pet shop? and your going to look at them straight in the eyes and try to explain the Chemistry of water to them, like how Karen has explained it to me so many times, I used to be so anxious and let my tanks run for three days and throw 10 fishes in at a time, one time I threw in six Red Parrots( at 15.00 a pop, that was crazy)( may they rest in peace, because I've made my mistakes) But, karen explain it to me from the start and my fishes are thriving, THRIVING and VIBRANT! and all my plant are blooming! My tanks couldn't be more BEAUTIFUL!!!!
****the pet store is not going to sit down and explain all this to you, But I'm going to give anyone who wants to listen And to all those who already know,"THE SECRET"(WATER CHANGES AT THE SAME TEMP. OR A COUPLE DEGREES HIGHER AND DECLORINATED IS THE ANCIENT CHINESE SECRET!!!!)PERIOD! NO CHEMICALS is going to get your tank healthy but good ole fashion, plain God given natural WATER(H2O)

May god bless you Karen with patience and to continue giving out good advice!!!! I listened and everything is beautiful!!!!!!  Tony

Thank you with very much appreciation Tony Lee!

I do hope others, beginners and experienced, will find your report and follow it with faithfulness.

Water changes are the key to sucess. This is why many breeders employ some kind of automatic water change system in their hatcheries--Where there is a constant supply of freshwater always. I don't know why aquarists get into the notion that doing only monthly water changes are best and only at 10-20%. This is so unsufficient it's pitiful. Because keeping tropical, cool water, and marine fish in aquariums means they are in a extremely restricted and enclosed system. We can only do our best with frequent water changes and STICK TO THEM. Far too many aquarists don't want to change water. I feel you must have that commitment. And because fish and all other animals that walk, swim, crawl, wiggle, and fly on this good earth are God's creatures, it is our job when we bring them into captivity, to give them the best care and kindness possible. And to not consider fish and other things that are small with no voice- no lesser than you would the family cat or dog,  we are all truly one in this world.

Thanks again Mr. Lee and I hope others know and follow your experience with the beauty of water changes.