Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > how can I lower my NITRITE ...

how can I lower my NITRITE ...

25 9:15:52

Hi Karen,
As I'm writing this I am sitting next to my tank after my early morning water change..(lucky fish..huh?)Anyway, my question is htis, my Ammonia is non-exsitent(0ppm) but my NITRITE seem to be up to the end (5.0ppm maybe more) but my fish seem to be doing fine, they're eating, looking good, swimming good, playing and laughing all day long, but you had told me that even a slight elavation in NITRITE is a signal something is wrong, or was that about the Ammonia?( I know that about the Ammonia...)believe if I even see a slight elevation in Ammonia, I'm getting my bucket, should I be alarmed? I continue to do my daily to every-other day 30-50% , I just wanted to know what you thought about this, I'm pretty sure my tank is still Cycling because I started it all-over remember on 04/13/06.

hope to hear from you soon................TSL

Dear Tony,
Well, it's a fact that nitrite is not AS dangerous as ammonia...But it still has some toxicity to it. It wonderful that your ammonia is non existent, you're very close to completely cycling your aquarium and then there will be no worry about bad water quality unless you allow the conditions to get bad (which I know you'd never do) ;-)

A reading of nitrite simply is part of the completion of the nitrogen cycle. How are your Nitrate readings? A rise in nitrates means you are an inch away or completely there in cycling. What I probably meant by saying ammonia or nitrite elevation in the aquarium is a signal that something is wrong was only in established aquariums. What you are experiencing it totally normal for un-established aquariums. You shouldn't (and usually never get) ammonia or nitrite readings--ever, in established aquariums.

Otherwise, continue to do those daily water changes. I'm sure your fish are thriving from daily fresh water more than any else! ;-) And continue testing daily and you should see your levels of nitrite go down with time and nitrate plummet.

As always, if you need anymore help...Feel free to write.

Best wishes, keep up the good work and many blessings!