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pregnant silver molly

23 15:27:41

A couple days ago, we purchased 5 silver mollies, and 6 other fish. One of our silver mollies was pregnant- FOR SURE. A few days after the fish settled in, our pregnant molly disappeared into one on our large rock decorations. We assumed she was giving birth, but we have no clue on how to care for her, her young, or anything. We just let her do her thing and let nature take it's course. She has been gone for almost 5 days now, and we are getting concerned. Is she giving her birth? Will the children survive? all of our fish are just guppies besides the silver mollies....they are bigger. We have 3 shiny black and blue fish, and 3 fish with red tails. I didn't count our five sucker fish that spend the day glued to our aquarium's wall. Can you give us some advise about our silver molly? But we can't purchase anything because my sister is getting married in 4 days. Is there a safe way to protect the molly and her children using common household objects or something like that? We are hoping that she will be okay...please respond! THANK YOU!!

Hello Kaylee!
I understand your concern for your fish. All you can do now is remove all your other fish so they won't disturb the pregnant fish. Don't put the fish back in the main tank until the baby fish are full grown. Change 2 cups of water everyday for healthier water. Use a sponge filter so the frys(baby fish) won't experience a death of sucking filters.
When you see the frys swimming on their own you can feed them boiled egg yolk, smashed to powdery bits. You can also purchase liquid/powdered food for them @ your local pet store.
Hope this helps! :D