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gold mollies

23 16:06:36

My school has this place called the hub drop-in. Ms Molaro said she would love
a tank set up in the hub. I'm getting 1 black molly, 1 gold molly, and 1 pearl
white molly. is this a good start for the 10 gallon tank. ( I'm also breeding them.)
And after the babies are born and grown, how many should I keep? and what is
the gestation period of the females?

Hey Cordell

Yes, they will be fine, they will over-populate really quick though.

I would maybe another two females and that is it.  They will keep breeding with or without a male so you will have to hope they eat the majority of them.

4-6 weeks is the gestation of the mollies.

Hope this helps     And Good Luck   Jack