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Bubblehead goldfish or koi

23 16:19:13

I have a bubblehead fish and his head used to be colored like a goldfish or koi and now it is not. wondering what is wrong if anything and what i can do about it.sometimes he acts more like an airhead and is swimming upside down or floating upside down.I have not found anything online about it and just wonder

Hi jena:  The loss of color in your goldfish may be simply from genetics. Goldfish change color as they age.  It may also be from a disease or condition. Fish that float upside down and swim up side down usually have a condition called swim bladder disorder.  You can try to feed him brine shrimp or frozen (thawed) green peas and see if that helps him regain his balance.  I would also add some aquarium salt to his tank because he may have a mineral imbalance.  For further information on swim bladder disorder you can do a google search.  If you have additional questions please let me know.... dave