Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > eternally pregnant zebra danio

eternally pregnant zebra danio

25 9:15:46


I have a 7 gallon freshwater bowfront tank that has been set up for a year and a half now. I have 2 zebra danios in it that I originally cycled the tank with and 2 gold barbs and 3 shrimps who are supposed to clean....and do their best. I have  one live plant split in two and a moss ball.

My question is about one of my zebra danios. She looks
pregnant but aren't danios egg layers? She has been this way for nearly 5 months and I'm starting to freak out a little...I'm thinking she probably needs help? Is she stuck this way? I wonder if there is anything I can do. I heard something about calcium deposits making it so they can't release their eggs...if that's the case is there medicine for it or something? She acts ok, does everything she's always done...just with a big big belly.

Any help, knowledge or advice would be greatly appreciated.


Hi Amyjane;

If her eggs were stuck she would be sick by now. Female egglaying fish such as danios will usually just re-absorb their eggs if they don't spawn. She may even have spawnws and the eggs were just eaten. She's probably just a chubby little gal. My guess is she gets most of the food and it definately shows! ;-)

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins