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pleko sick ?

23 16:23:59

I have a 55 gallon tank with 7 tigar barbs, 2 tetras, 1 guarmi, 1 angel fish and 3 plekos. I keep the tank at 70 degrees. My medium sized pleko has a strange fuzzy film over his belly and on his back in a few spots. He is acting normal...the fuzzy stuff has been on him for 3 days. No other fish have it yet. He also has 6 tiny holes in his dorcel fin. Any idea what is wrong with him? Thanks

Hi robyn: sounds like he has a fungal infection. You will need to increase the temperature of the tank to about 82 degrees... do it slowly ... one degree or so per hour, add aquarium salt, and you will need to get some medicine to treat fungus.... you probably also need to invest in some sinking algae wafers... he may not be getting enough to eat... three pleco's in a 55 gallon tank is a lot of bottom feeders... sometimes poor nutrition leads to sickness. please keep me posted on his progress... dave