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Crayfish Fry

23 16:52:16

Hi Darryl,

Sorry for the bother but is there any way that I could make the percentage of the fry to increase a bit more?
What if when they grow I could separate a few, will that work?

Hey again,

Separating them as they grow wont be such a bad idea, just bear in mind any rapid water quality changes (even for the better) will harm these guys. They have practically no natural way of fighting off infection, so any stress at all leaves them fully vulnerable. Removing the parent, and any other fish would help though. If you have means to set up a new tank, you could start that this week, and slowly switch over your adult and other fish as time goes on (perhaps the adult crawfish the first week, and a few fish each week after). That will help give the young a chance to grow and not become food! Otherwise, just let things go the way they go. Moving them may hurt as much as help, just keep that in mind :)