Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Bump in Mouth

Bump in Mouth

23 16:38:25

I have an Oscar that has a small bump or blister in his mouth on the
bottom lip.  All levels are normal as far as nitrate, nitrite, pH,
ammonia and alkalinity.  I do a 30 water change in my 125 gallon tank every
week.  I had 7 Oscars in that tank but as a today I got rid of 3 of
them because of the size of them.  The tank was insufficient in supporting
their growth. I have 3 other fish in the tank so all together I have 6 plus a algae eater.  I have tried to add this medicated liquid that helps
with open wounds for 3 days and have added salt after the water changes.
 It seems to have gone down a bit but its still present.  Is there
something that I have missed.  I have checked the 3 other Oscars that are
about 6 inches long and do not see any thing like that on them or in
their mouths.  I feed them a variety of foods like blood worms, beef
heart, live fish, pellets, dried shrimp and crickets.  The type of filter I use is the bio wheel and a fluval canister filter. I had asked one of the experts here about my Oscar with a bump or blister he has in his mouth or bottom lip.  The answer given was: It sounds a lot like either an injury from another one of the Oscars (as they get larger, they need to be housed separately) or possibly HOTH disease.  Do daily or every other daily 50 water changes and see if it improves...freshwater fish like fresh water....let me know what happens.  Well I tried the water changes, then I noticed that same Oscar started to develop white patches or a cloud eye.  I took him out so that the other fish don't get what hes got.  I put him in a separate tank by himself so that I could treat him.  I am using melafix and feeding him an anti bacteria medicated fish food which its been 3 days and he won't eat any.  Since then the cloud eye has gone away but the bump seems to be protruding out further from his bottom lip.  I don't know what to do, I feel hes slowly dying.  I took some pictures of the blister.  If there is a way I could send them to you please consider it.  Thank you for your time... Kay

Hi Kay;

It sounds like it really could be from fighting. Oscars just do that and "lip-locking" that they often engage in can really hurt them sometimes. Water changes and salt are a good idea, as well as the melafix. He may need a regular antibiotic though. I would try Maracyn Two. It is broad spectrum and absorbs to treat internally too. A daily water change in the isolation tank is a good thing to do as well. Do it every day right before the addition of that day's medicine. Clean water boosts the immune system. Just do 25% though. 50% can be too much at once.

I don't think it's HITH (not HOTH). HITH is short for Hole-In-The-Head Disease. Here is a link to info about it to see what it looks like just to be sure;

I would really like to see a picture of it if you can send one. Send it to;


I will be checking my mail in the morning and evening...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins