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Goldfish, guppys and neons

23 16:31:19

I have a 60litre tank where I have 2 guppies, 2 neons, 2goldfish(black moore and a fantail) and a orange molly. They seem to be getting along very well, the goldfish are very young, according to their size, they are about 4months old(2-3cm long). There haven't been any conflicts between the fish. My question is, can i keep them together? Will I have problems after the goldfish get older? I've read a lot about gold fish eating guppy and neons, but I thought that if they'd grow up together they won't have conflicts.
The tank is kept at room temperature, 23-25 celsius. Also the heater is on, and set to 23-24, just in case. [I also plan on getting few more (4) neon tetras because they dont really like to be lonely]

Right now the fish should be fine. However, once the goldfish get bigger as you have said, they may eat the small fish like the guppies and the neons. The goldfish will not purposely hunt down the smaller fish but mistake them for food. The goldfish do not become aggressive as they get older but rather think the smaller fish are food. The molly should be fine but the neons and guppies are likely to be eaten once the goldfish get bigger. I would advice making plans to get a smaller tank for the neons and guppies. You dont need a big tank as these fish do not get big. However, your goldfish may take a long time to get bigger. Once they get significantly bigger than the guppies and neons though, I would definately advice getting the small fish another tank. Also, goldfish like cold water while neons and guppies and even mollies like tropical water. While the goldfish can do fine in tropical water, it decreases their lifespan. Best case senario is that you could get a tank for all of the tropical fish and leave your goldfish in their own tank together, perhaps getting a few more goldfish to fill the tank out. I hope this helps. Let me know if you need more help.