Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > bettas and ghost shrimp

bettas and ghost shrimp

23 16:17:33

I just bought 2 ghost shrimp to put in with my female betta who lives in a 5 gallon tank. I need to know how long do I need to keep them out of the tank, or can I place them imediately in with her? Can the ghost shrimp give my fish disease?
If I need to keep them isolated to make sure they are healthy, how can I be certain that they are really healthy and free of parasites?
Thanks, Teresa

Hi, I don't know if you still need an answer to this question. I just joined the Expert team and have been trying to answer as many questions as I can that have been placed in the question pool. I guess if no one answers a specific question they are placed here.

Anyway, the shrimp should be fine with the female Betta. The females are not aggressive or territorial like the males. As with any new addition, watch them for the first couple days and be prepared to intervene if necessary.
If the shrimp have been in a separate tank all this time since you originally ask the question and there is no sign of them being sickly or diseased they should be fine to go in with the female Betta by now. It is best to put the shrimp in with the lights out. It is less stressful for the shrimp. Bettas (as with most fish) are extremely curious and will pick and peck at new additions. If you need any more help please ask me a follow up question and please help me by rating me. Thank You and good luck with your new additions.