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Bettas and Dwarf Frogs tank buddies

23 16:09:19

Hey, I have questions about tank buddies. I have an male betta and an Dwarf African frog in a 10g. tank and I was wondering if I could add a small sucker fish with them or if they don't what could I add with them. Because I seach this and everyone says something diffrent I just wanna know if I can or can't. Thanks so much.

Hi Amy,
You can certainly add a sucker fish. Just be careful of the species. Common plecostomus grow too large for your tank, maturing at about 12 inches. Chinese Algae eaters also grow large but have the extra drawback of sometimes becoming aggressive and dominating the tank.

These above two mentioned fish are the most common algae eaters available in petstores. But please try to avoid them, and be wary of petstore advice, they may try to trick you into buying a pleco by saying they grow to the size of the tank. I've seen this happen far too often. Instead, look for Bristlenose plecos which grow to only 4 inches and are completely peaceful. Or the Otocinclus catfish which is a tiny 1-2 inch algae eater that is common in petstores and enjoys being in groups of 3 or more. Both these fish are excellent with their algae duties and are easy to feed if their algae supply is too low. Just supplement then regularly with romain lettuce, zucchini, cucumber, peas, frozen vegetables, and algae wafers.

I hope this helps!!