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Bala shark problems

23 16:24:01

Hi, my tank has been set up for 4+ years, it is 46gal. I have 2 bala sharks, 1 pleco, 4 Goldfish, I know you shouldn't mix balas with goldfish because they are dirty, but have had my balas and Fantails together since the begining and they have all done great, no problems, I have 2 Emporer filters, waterfall style, change water every 2 weeks, levels look good, nitrate a little high, but do have goldfish, change about 25% of water with change, Bala sharks have devloped redding and splitting of their dorsal fin and also tail fin, whiteish coating on scales also present, if as they were shedding. . .Goldfish are fine, nothing of the sort on them. . .wondering what use to treat, using a bit of salt and novaqua right now. Please help, don't want to loose them, have had them for awhile. . .thanx, Carla.

Hi Carla;

It sounds like a bacterial infection. The salt is good to use but along with it I would use "Maracyn Two" and also a product called Melafix. Use all three together. Make more frequent water changes too. All tanks really need a weekly 25% water change and gravel vacuuming, especially with messy fish. It lowers the nitrate level so they all have stronger immune systems.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins