Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Garanda goldfish

Garanda goldfish

23 16:34:49

QUESTION: Hi Georgia,  I messed up my previous question.  This goldfish has what looks to be a pimple on his side not his head.  I misunderstood my daughter. It looks like a whitehead and seems to be growing. I sure hope you could help.
Thanks, Toni

ANSWER: It looks like a parasite or some type of fungi. You may like to get a treatment for the fish. I can answer the question more when you give me some more details. Thanks

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Georgia,  It seems to be a fungus of some kind.  It is kind of fuzzy looking.  We treated it with Maracyn two.  I hope I'm doing this right.  I just lost a dalmation molly from this, they were never in the same tank)so I described it to my daughter and she said yes that's what it looks like. Is there anything else to do or just treat him and watch him?  We moved him to a separate tank just so he won't infect the other 2.  Do I need to treat that tank as well.
Thanks for your help, Toni

Im pretty sure that it is Ick that your fish has. Removing it was a very good idea. If the other two aren't showing any signs of being infected don't treat them, if they are get onto it fast when it first starts. You may like to go to a pet shop  to get some more treatment. From personal experience, don't use cheap brands of treatments because they might not work and you will end up paying more later on. You can also dd a little bit of salt (maybe a teaspoon or two) this will help as well.