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New betta not eating

23 15:40:38

QUESTION: I've had my 1st betta for 13 days and he still has not eaten a flake (which I got at the pet store for bettas). He seems active, happy, and healthy.  What should I do?

ANSWER: Diane,

 Try changing his food to pellets. Sometimes they don't know the flakes are food. I would also get him frozen and freeze dried blood worms and brine shrimp. They like a lot of variety in their foods and will sometimes get stubborn. If you choose to stay with the flakes, he will learn to eat them. Just make sure you are removing the food that is not eaten. If you don't, the will mold and your fish will get sick. I am hoping he is in a 2.5 gallon tank, minimum. Betta bowls, vases, cups, or anything else that is small. Don't forget Betta fish are tropical and need warm water. All 17 of my adults and Betta's are all with heaters. If you choose not to buy a heater, your fish will not swim, might not eat and will die at a young age, about  2 and 1/2 years. Give him a heater, the right size tank and food, he can live a lot longer. I have a 7 year old Betta and he is still swimming eating and playing with the other fish. Do 25% water changes every week. This is necessary  since Betta's do not require a filter. You will still have to do water changes with a filter, but I wouldn't waste my time and money on buying one.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks, Jaymie!  He is eating the pellets.  Doesn't even try the blood worms.  I'm just glad he's eating something!  I regret that the pet store didn't tell me the bowl is too small (1.5 gal. after gravel was added# and that betta's need a heater, because it's important to me to treat my pets well.  But I don't want a fish tank or bigger bowl.  I want this bowl, which I keep on the dining table, where I can be with my fish often every day.  If I had a tank it'd be in less accessible place and I would hardly see it most of the time.  But I'm worried about my betta without a heater. Do you know of some kind of small heater that would work in a big round bowl #1.5 gal. after gravel)?  


I am glad he is eating. I understand that the bowls are nicer looking, but I just got a corner tank that is 5 gallons and have a Betta on the kitchen table for my Mama. She loves him, talks to him and she says he talks back. They are making some really nice tanks these days and maybe you will find one you like and give him a better home to swim in. They do make heaters for the smaller tanks. They are a bit larger than a credit card, and thin as well. I know they have them at Petco so I would think you could find them at any large pet store. He is going to need the heater now that the weather is getting colder. All my heaters are set at 82 degrees and I have 7 very healthy happy males and they all have nice bubble nests. Even my 4 girls are trying their fins at constructing nests.