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Species identification

25 9:00:48

I have a red terror, I think.My main fish supplier sold me a young red terror and said he has to grow a bit before his red coloration becomes apparent. Is this true because i haven't noticed any red coloration yet compared to his blacky greyish color. He is still just a juvenile, maybe 3", and I was wondering if i should just be patient or if i have a different species of cichlid. Thanks  

Dear Kelly,
This would be difficult to know. There are so many cichlid species that can be described as having a blacky-greyish color. It is true, however, that your current cichlid species tends to always start out young and dark gray and then slowly turning red as they reach several inches. Their colorations always tends to vary even in grown fish. Mostly this is due to their care and enviroment they are kept in. High quality color food pellets (especially those containing carotene) will bring out their red be sure to supply much variety like frozen and freeze dried foods also. Keeping them warm at least 75-80F also helps greatly. A dark substrate and dark background also helps all fish show their best colors. Light substrates and light backgrounds tend to make a lot of fish look washed out.

I really hope this helps!
Best wishes to you and your Red Devil, these rowdy cichlids can make quite a pet!