Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Aquarium bug ?

Aquarium bug ?

25 9:20:03

-------------------------This little critter is Aprox an inch long.Its head is dark and about the size if a straight pin. Its body is about the diameter of a pencil led with yellow hairs sticking out from one end to the other. I first noticed it working its way up the side of the tank useing its mouth to hang on to the glass. My stepson seems to think it might be some kind of a sea cucumber or something like that? We have a couple of pictures.
Followup To
Question -
I have reciently set up a 55 gal aquarium and in the process of stabilizing it. About a week ago we added plants to the aquarium and we must have got a couple of riders with the plants. We ended up with a snail and a bug that looks like a yellow caterpiller. It looks like it is something that eats algie. I was wondering what I should do with it? Is it a bad bug or should I let it grow? We are planing to add Ciclids when the tank stabilizes from the suicide fish. The tank is in the second to third week of the amonia/nitrate cycle.
Answer -
Hi Brian;

Yellow caterpillar? That's one I haven't heard of or seen yet! Is it flat or rounded? Does it seem to have legs? Head? Eyes? How big is it? Any other identifying characteristics?

Let me know.....

Chris Robbins

Wow! That's a really strange sounding critter! Sea cucunbers can only live in salt water as far as I know. If you go to the freshwater fish forum and post a message there you can attach your photos to the post for all there to see. I think I may need some help on this one! LOL!

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