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my Cichlids!!!!

23 16:56:34

Hello, i have a question regaurding my Green terror Cichlids they have all of the sytems of ich (white spots on fins, etc.) but we tryed treating them with what the pet store recommended (we took out hte carbon) the first time they ate and everything it was all normal the next day we emptied half of the water out of our 55 gal.tank and filled it with new water let the it run through the filter a little bit then put the treatment in again but this time they stayed at the bottom of the tank and didn't go for the food when i went to feed them they have learned when i shake the can/bottle their food is in that there's food at the top of the tank but they didn't go and they're less active but only one of my Cichlids have what looks like ich (the Male) i have only two and they're a mating pair and have laid eggs several times but not lately my goldfish that was in there with them and has been since day one died two days ago but we had him in a seperate tank another 55gal. tank that at the time had only one Red eared slider (a aquatic turtle)they got along fine but we decided to get another a female she tried to eat the goldfish so we put him back with the cichlids before he died he seem to be very jumpy like he was tramatized or something i'm not sure if this is normal but about 4-5 months ago they started getting what look like holes on their head i'm sorry this is a long question but i care about my Cichlids and would feel horrible if they died that's why i filled this with as much information as possible!Please help as much as possible!thank you!

hi victoria, thanks for the question.....

You gave me a lot of info, and based off of what You have said, here's what is occurring to me ( as an avid aquarist with many cichlid tanks include a 125gal and 2 75 gal among many others).  first off i must assume us are using a water conditioning product to remove the chlorine and chlorimime ( i love right start by jungle aquatics available at and most pet stores).  secondly, i didn't hear any mention of the use of aquariums salt.  not good as aquarium salt is absolutely imperative and vital to the health and well being of your cichlids.  it is available at most reputable pet stores and at with cichlids use one teaspoon per 5 gal.  now onto the mention of the possibility of hole-in-the-head disease.  yes it is a recognized disease, usually stemming from low water quality.  it can be common with Oscars especially. ( i have 3 Oscars i in different tanks than my Africans).  i would recommend a product call "Waste Control"  it is available at and also at some pet stores i know PetSmart carries it pretty readily, as i have purchased it there before.  use one capful per 10 gal with cichlids.  now onto general disease prevention and early treatment.......i have tried all the products and i mean ALL the products, there is only one that i have ever seen work, work incredibly well.  i recommend it to everyone to have on hand at all times, i have even had a few people who wrote me for advice use it and they wrote back telling me it completely cured there beloved fish..... it is call "MelaFix" and "PrimaFix"  one is bacterial, one is viral, both can be used simultaneously and are available at they are worth the cost(personal experience with a sick acei proved that for me recently!) be sure to use extra aeration when using medication in the tank.  i am concerned about keeping a turtle with them, as turtles do naturally eat fish as part of their careful.....and goldfish should never be kept with cichlids...never....goldfish are coldwater cichlids are warm water.  be sure the water temp for your cichlids is about 82 degrees, no lower than 80 degrees and no higher than 84 degrees.  the goldfish range from 68-72, i keep my goldfish in 66 degree what.  goldfish originate in china and Tibet where the water is very cold naturally.  the basins of streams and waterfalls.  another thing i recommend is the addition of an actinic light on the tank available at i buy a lot from there because they have amazing prices) it will help bring out the color of your fish.  well i know i said more than a mouthful, shoot me a follow up and let me know how it goes, also give me a rating so i know if my advice was beneficial for You,

good luck
