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Hi again!

23 16:43:05

Hi again karen!
remember me? hopeless 16 year old with a bowl and a betta called triton that i mistook ate my guppies?well im pleased to tell u that i indeed got a 10 gallon tank! yay for me!:P
okay so i put a new betta in it with my remaining guppies and i went out and got about 5 tetras..well i looked everywhere but they just dont have aquarium test kits in kuwait:( i guess they dont ship them here..i wasnt even able to find betta max or the other medicine ive read is necessary on the internet..just some other kind of medicine ive never heard of before..they do infact have good quality heaters, filters and stuff like that nd the also have good food like brine shrimp and blood worms:) anyways the water was cloudy for the first couple of weeks which meant it was probably still cycling..after about 3 weeks and 4 fish deaths:( my fish all seem happy, displaying bright vibrant colors and active..the water is also crystal clear which i guess means taht my tank has finally cycled.
they get along well and thank you for your info, it really helped..
O.K so now i would reeeeeally like to breed my betta..i mean like reeeeeeally bad:P..i currently have:
5 gallon tank
that small filter/aerator
another big filter
a java fern
a plastic plant
and ill be able to find tons of jars here to keep the fry is this enough to breed my betta? what else will i need to buy?ill go in a few days to get a good female...last time i put my female in and my male ripped her to shreds:(
i would really appreciate your help..
Thanking you,
Gayantha Madhuranga.  

It's so great to hear you have your betta in such a good home!
I'm sure he is very happy in it, and he gets to have some company as well! Just keep up with those -vital- water changes. I'd try to do at least 30-50% twice a week. Always remember to make the replacement water equal in temperature to that of your aquarium and insure it is dechlorinated properly with a good water conditioner.

That's really good that you are so interested in breeding your betta. Raising fish is such an exciting part of the hobby! But it is a lot of work and takes loads of time also. It sounds like you already have an excellent setup for spawning bettas. You're doing very good so far.

If you dont mind, I'd like to refer you to a really wonderful betta keeping/breeding website that gives you all the info you need (plus loads of pictures) and it will answer all the questions you may have on breeding bettas, please check this site out- (you wont be dissapointed)

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And as always, if you have anymore questions, feel free to write me anytime!

Best of luck with your fishkeeping/breeding adventure!