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feeding fish river minnos

25 9:18:48

Hi, i now have a 37 gallong aquarium filled with cyclids, would it be possible to feed them aome small minnos from the river behind my house?

Hi Michael!

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I have been very busy lately and I feel bad about being so late....

I would say it would be O.K to feed your cichlids wild minnows AS LONG as you are pretty sure the water running in the river isn't polluted or has a lot of trash at the waters edge, if the wild minnows seem to be healthy and not sickly at all I would say go for it. There is a possibilty that the minnows MIGHT transmit parasites of some sort to your cichlids, but you take a 10 times greater risk with feeder fish you get in the petshop.

So yes, it would be alright as long as the water the minnows are living in is clean and the minnows not sickly looking.... Your cichlids will probably greatly appreciate the fresh wild food!!

I hope this helps! If you have anymore questions, feel free to email me as you wish....Again I am really sorry I am so late with my reply...... :-(

Happy fishkeeping!