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Hard water - suitable fresh water species

23 16:49:47


I have re-entered the fresh water aquarium environment, previously in city have raised Gourami's and even Piranha.  Now that I live rural with relatively hard water (over 200mgms) what species should I look for.  I tried the chemical route, tried the acid route, but would prefer something a little less tedious.  My tank is presently a 32 gallon version with live plants.

Hi Daryl
Most fish that are tank bred, especially one's purchased in your area should do fine with whatever your water parameters/quality is reading as far as ph, gh, and kh goes.  The problem you'll have is with fish that are wild caught, like some discus, or trying to breed some sensitive fish like discus.  

Definitely stay away from the chemicals, they don't work that great.  Here's an article on ph, gh, and kh that is really good and gives some tips for altering those naturally by using peat moss or limestone, etc.  You'll want to especially read the GH section towards the bottom.  Like I said, most fish are tank bred, so it shouldn't matter how off your ph and such is, they've most likely adapted to it.  I have hard water as well at my house, and I have a wide range of fish, from platies to clown loaches, to South American cichlids, to puffers.  I think you'll be fine without having to alter it.  But if you do end up going with a more "exotic" or tank bred species, this site has some good suggestions.  You'll need to copy/paste to your browser:

Also, here's a link with different fish profiles, along with their basic care:

Hope that helps and good luck!!
