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Cichlid problem

25 9:11:20

I have a couple of questions.  First, I have a yellow lab that is sick.  It keeps getting sores all over its body.  They aren't little white dots like ich.  They are larger pink areas where the scales have fallen off.  Some even get red around the border like they are bloody.  I have had him in the tank for almost a year and he just started getting them.  The appearance of the spots coincided with the time he started hiding in the rocks from a more aggressive cichlid.  None of the other fish have any problems, so I don't know if it is a disease or if he is just injuring himself on the rock.  My nitrites and chlorine are good.  My water is hard. My nitrates are on the high side but have been that way all along. My PH is 7.2.  I know that is low for cichlids but I can't get it to elevate (it has been at this level or lower since I have had him over the course of a year).  That's my second question.  I have regular aquarium rock for the bottom, real plants, and sea shells and bone reef to raise the PH.  I have 4 other cichlids, an algae eater, a white skirt tetra, and a corey cat. That's it.  I try to change my water every 2 week's but sometimes I slip up.  Got any ideas?


Hi Mike;

Sounds like maybe the lab has an infection from being picked on. He probably should be isolated for treatment with an antibiotic medication.

The pH is actually at a very good level. A stable pH is much more important that a "proper level". If it remains in that range I wouldn't worry about it. To keep it a little higher and help the fish be healthier in the long run, replace 25% of the water and vacuum the gravel every week. Excess waste causes pH to stay on the low side. Frequent water changes will also lower the nitrates.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins