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My Betta Fish, Gerald.

23 16:17:08

Gerald sits around all day and barely moves anymore, even when I put some food around him. One of his gills won't go down all the way and he is always lying on the plastic leaves is his bowl to keep him near the surface. I'm pretty sure he is sick with something in his gills but I'm not sure and I don't know what to do to help him. I haven't tried anything yet besides cleaning his water because I don't want to give him medicine for something he doesn't have. I just read that using soap while cleaning the fish bowl and stuff is bad for him so I've stopped doing that and I don't clean the water too often so I know it's not that. I have pictures too but I don't know how to send them to you.

Hi Hannah: I would give him a does of tetracycline which you can get at your local fish store... Betta do better on antibiotics rather then other types of medication.  Just make sure that you can adjust that dosage for a betta tank no just a ten gallon tank...  

Never use soap... just a clean white scrubby pad that is designated only for his tank.  You can also use aquarium salt but you do not have to leave the salt in the water with him.  You should clean the water at least twice per week or get a small bowl filter for his tank and then glean it once per week.  dave