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grourami question

23 16:48:15

i have a blue 3 spot grourami that on one side of it its bulged out . he stays at top of tank by filter and when chased by of grourami it hides. any idea what could be the problem and what do i need to do to cure him? thanks

Dear John,
I'm sorry to hear about your blue gourami. It's the hardest thing to identify bulges and lumps on any fish, and I can't recommend any certain medication ebcause there can be so many causes to this. He should really be moved to another tank or at least seperated somehow from the other gourami which is stressing him so badly. Then we can try to figure out why his side is bulged out. Where is it located? Nearer to the tail or in the middle? If it's more in the middle of the fishes body then it could be a blockage in the digestive system, a tumor, internal bacteria infection, a cyst, internal injury, or even the beginnings of dropsy. If you could move him to another aquarium so he can rest and you can better treat him please do. Two male gouramis often never get along, but sometimes males and females fight too.

Try getting the gourami into another tank or at least put a divider in the aquarium for now to give the bullied one some peace. Observe his behavior and try to evaluate why he might have the bulging side. If it seems to be in his belly area, then you could try not feeding him his normal foods at least for a day and then feed him some green peas that have been thoroughly thawed and de-shelled. This can help clear digestive blockages that are common with many fish who recieve too much food at one time or not enough variety.

As for the other possible causes of fish with bulges and bumps on their side, it tends to have to be just a wait and see thing. Firstly, try to insure the fish is in a peaceful and quiet environment as possible, try with the green peas for a few days while fasting him from his usual food. If he still behaves sickly, even after insuring perfect water conditions, you may have to try with medication or some other treatment such as epsom salt which can help fish loss excess fluid buildup in their bodies. Or try medications for internal infections. But this is up to you. I cannot provide an accurate diagnosis unfortunately. And you are the best one who can determine the proper steps as far as treating him.

Best wishes and feel free to let me know how your gourami is doing!