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my fantail goldfish

23 16:48:15

My fantail goldfish is not doing so well she had Ick and Septicemia and I treated her with Maracyn 2 she began to look better however when i returned from school today I found her stuck under the filter in her aquarium I turned it off but she is stayed in the 90 degree position I moved her to a bowl and she has not come out of this position  not when in the net and not when I put food in the bowl I think she is injured pretty badly and this along with her disease is just making me emotionaly sick I think she is in a lot of pain but I don't know what to do!! I have had her for a year and I would hate to see her suffer! should I put an end to it? I have read about doing this and the most human way seems to be the clove oil and alcohol method but should I do this? how long should I wait? is waiting with her like this inhumane? I just feel awful! please give me your advice



In aquariums and in the wild fish may suffer diseases and injuries, just like people do. I personally do not believe it is cruel to try and cure a sick fish.

I think you should continue using Maraycn-2. If the ick is gone, then that's fantastic. If not you may also want to use an ick cure product. To help alleviate any pain or injuries your fish may have, I also recommend supplementing your water with aquarium salt.

I hope this helps.
