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Baby Betas

23 15:27:31


My fish collection has recently become alot larger, as my tetra just had 22 fry, and my balloon molly just had 13 fry.  I have also just mated my betas and the male is taking care of the eggs.  I think they may start swimming free within the next week.  Is it okay to put all of the fry in the same tank?  If so, how long before I have to remove the betas?  And how soon will I be able to tell which baby betas are male and which are female?


It would be in the best interest of the fry to keep them in their own grow out tanks. I usually put guppy fry in the Betta fry tank after a couple of weeks to show the Betta's how to eat the food. I have never mixed a fry tank with any other fry but the guppies. Your Betta fry will be swimming 2 days after hatching and that is when you remove the male. You should start seeing the long flowing tails of the males within 5 months or so.