Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > How could i found that when a molly fish is preper for breeding?

How could i found that when a molly fish is preper for breeding?

23 15:40:33

please let me know about this option.How could i found that when a molly fish is preper for breeding? when i seperated them in breeding tank they are nervous.How i could know the proper time? guppyies breeding is so easy.
with best regards


 You will know, when she spends a lot of time at the bottom of the tank. She will have whats called a gravid spot(black in color) by her anal fin. She will also look very pregnant. You can separate her and put her in a hospital tank until she has the babies. As soon as she is done, remove her and put her back in the main tank. If you leave her in there with the fry she will eat them. You just need to watch her and make sure she is ok.