Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Have a few questions, please

Have a few questions, please

23 15:37:47

Hello Michael, I'm glad there's no stupid questions!

First 1:  I am not a novice at keeping aquariums, yet I went and stupidly put 8 tiny african dwarf frogs in a 10 gallon at the same time (I felt sorry for them in the tank at the petstore).  I don't believe in cycling with fish and I used everything from my healthy tanks in the house, figuring everything would be fine.  I guess the number of frogs made the ammonia & nitrite rise (ammonia - .5/nitrite .25 or so).  I've done water changes, added CYCLE each time and things aren't changing.  Is it just going to be a matter of time?  The frogs are acting normally (I've had them over a week).  I feel awful that I did such a stupid thing.

Number 2:  I've added 2 female dwarf gouramis to my 29 gallon tank with some platies & a male/female dwarf gourami (all same species).  Sometimes the male goes towards the 2 new females or lightly chases one/then the other but nothing aggressive.  Are they just getting to know them or was it not a good idea adding 2 new ones a month after the male/female?  Normally the male doesn't bother the original female at all.

Number 3:  If there's problems with the 2 new female dwarfs, could I add them to another tank I have that newly houses 3 female Honey Gouramis or is it not a good idea to mix them even if they're all females?

Number 4: If I wish to change the substrate in any tank (especially the dwarf frogs) to sand from gravel, how do I do it without losing the beneficial bacteria from the gravel?  I bought playsand as I've read people have used it.  Sure hope I don't have to return the heavy bag to the store.

Number 4:  How many White Cloud Minnows can I house in a 20 gallon LONG tank?  Do they produce minimal waste?  

I have power filters on most of my tanks except the 75 gallon with fancy goldfish (canisters).

Thank you so much for any info.  I know I've asked a heck of a lot!


Sorry for the delay, I did not see your question.
the frogs are not dependent on the water quality so they should be fine.
The tank will balance out on its own as you are aware.

The gouramies are showing a bit of mating behaviour, nothing wrong there...

Yes you can add them to the Honey Gourami tank, give them some hiding places and keep the temp up as Gouramis like it hot...82 or  so, if you have live plants you can drop that to 78.
I use 78 as a magic number that most everything will do well at.

There is no way to keep the bacteria from the substrate unless you actually keep the substrate.
Sand, while doable can be problematic as it packs like cement and can harbor pockets of sulfur gas.
Its not a good substrate for real plants either..
That said, you can use it if you choose.

White Clouds, aka a "poor mans neon" are one of my fav fish.
Found only at the White Cloud Mountain in China, they do not  exist in the wild anymore.
Only in the trade, sad actually.
they like cooler water 65 or so but can handle the 76-78 as well.
In the day when neon tetras were very expensive..when first brought back from the Amazon $200.00 each was the going todays money thats like $2000.00.
White Clouds became the alteritive...great fish....
You can easily house 12-15 in a 20 long with no trouble...
Enjoy your tank, and your fish...