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cloudy water in a new tank

25 9:17:32

Hi Karen

We set up a 10 gallon tank for two bettas (with a divider, of course) about 3 days ago.  I added a capful of Stability the first day, then half a cap full on the following two days per directions on the  bottle.  Now we have cloudy water.  I changed out two gallons last night, but have yet to see any results.   Do we perhaps have an algal bloom?   Is there anything we can do short of starting all over again?   I don't want to stress these guys out too much - they are pet store rescues.



Hi Rachel, I am sorry I haven't written back sooner than I would have liked. I have been terribly busy the past days.

~Cloudy water is a common problem in new aquariums. It is caused by bacteria taking advantage of excess nutrients in your water... I have had this happen countless times in the past years. My use to be cloudy aquariums were cured with frequent everyday water changes and LOTS of patience!!
Patience is everything and is very important and with time and everyday water changes of 30%-50% will help cure it. It won't last forever. The differance between an algae and bacterial bloom is the former will have a green haze while the bacterial bloom will be whitish--grayish in color.
Trust me it will go away! It may take a while but it will eventually all the times I have had in the past of cloudy water--those aquariums have cleared and are crystal clear to this day.  Adding chemicals which claim to bind the particles clouding the water have never done anything for me. But water changes and patience has done everything.
I wouldn't start over at all. Just let your aquarium run it's natural course. I'm sorry about your cloudy tank but it will clear!

It is most wonderful you have rescued some bettas! You must be like me and feel extremely sorry for the way petshops treat their fish--namely the bettas sold in tiny cups. I myself have rescued many and gotten them back to health but the sad truth is-- rescuing them does nothing about the way petstores treat their fish. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't feel sorry them. I know I do.

Best wishes and I hope your aquarium clears! Your rescued bettas would thank if they could I am sure!
If you have anymore questions, feel free to email me...

Happy fishkeeping!
ps: if you have other established and healthy aquariums. It would be great if you could add a handful or more of your other tank's gravel or even a somewhat large decoration to help with the cycling. ~ :-)